Company Sport in Germany and its Importance for the Health Promotion of Employees

Author Details

George F. Zarotis

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Published: 9 June 2020 | Article Type :


Due to the increasing technological development of modern industrial countries the necessity for muscular work or physical activity is decreasing more and more. The increasing sedentary activity in both private and professional life has led to alarming health problems in recent years. As a result of a passive lifestyle, people are increasingly displaying typical symptoms such as obesity, high blood pressure, metabolic disorders, as well as postural deformities and damage to the musculoskeletal system. The aim of this study is to identify health burdens at the workplace and to initiate measures through company sport to reduce health risks and to strengthen health-promoting resources. The method used in this study was a review of the relevant literature. By analysing various research results we discovered that a targeted movement-oriented intervention can serve to strengthen the cardio-vascular system and prevent musculoskeletal disorders. For health promotion and prevention, the relevance of sports activity or resumption of sports activities becomes evident. The wishes and ideas of employers and employees should be taken into account when putting together the measures in order to provide an incentive towards a long-term health-promoting programme. Overall, physical activity is becoming increasingly important in the field of primary and secondary prevention. Measures for individual counselling and support must be taken in order to counteract the diseases of civilisation in the future and thus also the costs for the companies and the health system. A holistic approach to company sport for health promotion deals with the psychosocial dimension of health in addition to somatic-physiological aspects. The prerequisite for a successful intervention is the establishment of suitable effective programmes and their long-term implementation and acceptance at all levels of the company.

Keywords: workplace, health promotion, company sport, employee health promotion.

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How to Cite


George F. Zarotis. (2020-06-09). "Company Sport in Germany and its Importance for the Health Promotion of Employees." *Volume 3*, 1, 12-18